"I explored from the love of nature."
Boone wanted land "...where a man could tickle the soil with a hoe, and she would laugh you a bountiful harvest."
- 1734 Born in PA.
His home now an Historic Site.
- 1750's Most likely did some hunting: buffalo, elk, deer, a bear?
- 1750's At 16, family moved
to Yaddkin River Valley, in North Carolina.
Meets Rebecca.
- 1755 French & Indian
War with Boone in Braddock's losing army.
- 1756 Gets hitched to Rebecca Bryan.
- 1760 Crosses the Blue Ridge Mts. without Becky.
- 1767- 1768 Explores Kentucky, without Becky.
- 1769 Captured by Shawnee.
Doesn't return for 2 long years.
- 1769-1771 Another KY try.
- 1773 While leading family and friends to Kentucky, Boone party turn back at Cumberland Gap by Indian attack which kills his oldest boy, James.
- 1775 Establishes Boonesborough with Becky and family, despite Shawnee attacks.
- 1776 Rescues his daughter, Jemima, and Callaway girls from Shawnee.
- 1776 United States declares its independence.
- 1778 Blue Licks salt capture of Boone by Chief Black Fish.
- 1779 Settled Boone's Station,KY with new emigrant party.
- 1780 Brother Edward killed by Shawnee after attack on Ohio Shawnee settlement.
- 1781 Elected into Virginia assembly.
- 1782 His son Israel is killed in brutal defeat at Blue Licks, the last battle of the American Revolution.
- 1783 Moves his family to Limestone on Ohio River.
- 1798 Boone's claims on nearly 100 thousand acres of land go
unrecognized by government. Counter claims ate away at his holdings, and he has very little land
- In search of "elbow room,"
Boone travels the Ohio, and settles what's left of his family in Missouri.
- 1798 Warrant for Boone's arrest for debt.
- 1799 Appointed magistrate for the Spanish
holdings in Missouri.
- 1806 Seeks confirmation of Spanish land grant
before Federal Land Commission.
- 1809 Petitions Congress when land grant is rejected.
- 1813 Rebecca no longer has to worry about her
adventurous husband. She dies March 18.
- 1814 Congress finally grants him a tract of MO land.
- 1820 Boone's new journey begins. Dies Sepember 25; buried
next to Rebecca near daughter Jemima's farm.
- 1845 Last? earthly journey, as Kentucky delegation disinters the Boone
graves, and moves them to Frankfort, KY.
- BooneBits for Reports.
Ever wondered what the scuttlebutt on "chicken guts" was? Whether you're a "fresh fish" or a "top rail skunk," you've come to the right place! These pages focus on Civil War slang and vocabulary, sprinkled with fascinating BooneBits for reports. Some cute, some dangerous, words and phrases used during the 1800s. Many are still in use today. So set your feet up and commence to learning. By-the-by: "Chicken guts" are an officer's gold braiding on his cuffs; and Scuttlebutt is gossip.
Cordon Offense is the most requested definition by school kids. Cordon Offense: advance on all fronts, surrounding the enemy.
Page 3 of Civil War Slang Added for the Return Visitor. Check it out!
Why "BooneBunny?" Daniel Boone's legend represents the saga of the American Frontier and embodies the very essence of a pioneer and explorer. You can have your Lewis and Clark, this gal prefers Daniel Boone. [Plus, it sounds kinda cute]. Read my quirky Boone background in a nutshell. Keep in mind Daniel Boone (1734-1820) "t'weren't" around
in the Civil War Era (1861-1865). He had long since met his Maker. Do not be confused. You'll find exciting BooneBits to the left and more awesome BooneBits great for reports.
Much information on this page graciously donated by Maj. BEARARMS4K.
Civil War Slang and Terms  |
Confederate Terms |
"Smoked Yanks" |
Union soldiers cooking over a fire. |
"Chicken Guts" |
Officer's gold braiding on his cuff. |
"Gallinippers" |
Insects, mosquitoes. |
"Bombproofs" |
Term for provost guards/commissaries due to soft life. |
"Fighting under the black flag" |
Soldiers killing lice. |
"Giving the vermin a parole" |
Throwing away clothing infected with lice. |
"Bull Pit" |
Under-arrest confinement area. |
"Iron Clad Possum" |
An armadillo dinner. |
Civil War Slang and Terms  |
"Bragg's Body Guard" |
Body Lice. |
"Sunday or Parlor Soldiers" |
Insult for soldiers of little merit. |
"Jeff Davis' Pets" |
Rebel western troops' term for A.N.V. |
"Company Q" |
Term for the Sick List. |
"Hospital Rats" |
Person who fakes an illness. |
"Worth a Goober" |
Something that amounts to a lot. |
"Goobers" |
Peanuts. |
"Buttermilk Cavalry" |
Term infantry had for cavalry. |
"Web Feet" |
Term cavalry had for infantry. |
"Fairy Fleet" |
Boats carrying trade between sides at Fredricksburg |
Abbreviation "I.W." |
In For the War. |
"Mule" |
Meat. |
"Top Rail" |
First class. |
"Greenhorn", "Bugger", "Skunk" |
Officer. |
"Skeddadle" |
Better run! |
"Jawings" |
Talking. |
"Ginned Cotton" |
Flower bread. |
"Night blindness" "Gravel" |
Condition caused by lack of green veggies. |
"Horse sense" |
Smart, or on the ball. |
"Fit to be tied" |
Angry. |
"Here's your mule" |
1.Nonsense expression like: Kilroy was here.
2. Term infantry used to insult cavalry.
Reader Chuck Bryant wrote the infantry
would hold up their feet and say, "Mister,
here's your mule" meaning the infantryman's
feet did the job of transporting the soldier
(like a mule would for the cavalry). The double
insult was also in the fact the cavalry
rode horses, and not mules. |
"Who wouldn't be a soldier?" |
"Who cares?" |
Civil War Slang  |
"Bluff" |
Cheater. |
"Jailbird" |
A criminal. |
"Scarse as hen's teeth" |
Something rare or scarce. |
"Fit as a fiddle" |
Healthy, feeling good. |
"Sparking" |
Kissing. |
"Quartermaster Hunter" |
Shot or shell that passed overhead and far into rear. |
"Opening of the ball" |
Units waiting to move into battle. |
"Goober Grabbers" |
Good natured term for Georgia troops. |
"Sand Happers" |
Good natured term for South Carolina troops. |
"Yellow Hammers" |
Good natured term for Alabama troops. |
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Last Updated June 23, 2009; over 10 years on the web.
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